Terms of Use

Terms of use updates and privacy statement

VeryFields’ registered end users will be informed on changes in terms of use via e-mail.

VeryFields di Cadamuro Mirco protects your privacy and personal data, and processes your personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679), and following updates, hereinafter “GDPR”. This privacy statement includes website privacy policy.
More information on our privacy protection measures can be found here: http://www.veryfields.net/privacy.

Links to external websites

Our website contains links to other websites.
All the linked websites have to be considered third party external websites and they are not under our control, hence we decline any responsibility on any content that can be found at any external third party website.

About the information and services offered by the VeryFields website

Although our website is constantly reviewed, updated and corrected, inaccuracies may be present in both HTML pages and in the PDF files that can be downloaded from the VeryFields website. We decline all responsibility for any kind of error present in the HTML pages and all the PDF files available at the VeryFields website, but we are willing to make any needed correction. Please feel free to contact us at info@veryfields.net to suggest any amendment.
We also decline all responsibility about any kind of information and evaluation on performance and reliability of RFID tags and other products mentioned on our website.
VeryFields di Mirco Cadamuro disclaims all responsibility about any effect of decisions taken by end users consequently to their use the VeryFields website, such as buying a product or using it for a certain application. We recommend to consult an appropriate professional for precise technical advice to meet specific requirements and, if possible, test any product before buying it in volumes.
The information present in any PDF file that can be downloaded from the VeryFields website has to be considered valid only at the moment of its download, since it can undergo subsequent changes at any time. www.VeryFields.net and www.VeryFields.com suggest end users to verify any information about products to their respective manufacturers or suppliers before to buying or using any product or service mentioned on VeryFields.

We disclaim all responsibility for any kind of problem or damage derived from bad performance of the VeryFields website, including temporary or unlimited out of service.

VeryFields disclaim any responsibility on the diffusion of VeryFields material in other external websites.

VeryFields di Cadamuro Mirco does not claim ownership of any name of company, product, trade mark, organization, standard, person mentioned on the this website.

All the content provided by the VeryFields website belong to VeryFields and cannot be reproduced, published and distributed without the authorization of VeryFields.

Help us improve our services!

VeryFields kindly ask everybody to feel free to provide any advice useful to improve the VeryFields website and our services.
We also ask everybody to help us with notifications about errors and inaccuracies that can be found VeryFields website.
For notifying errors or for any kind of suggestion please contact us at info@veryfields.net.

We thanks in advance all users that will help us improve VeryFields.

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